It is with great pleasure to announce that the 2018 Media Architecture Biennale (MAB18) will be held in Beijing, China. MAB18 will be hosted by the Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA) and the Beijing Visual Arts Innovation Institute (BVAII) in collaboration with the Media Architecture Institute.
MAB18 will again run over four days, from 13-16 November 2018, and include workshops, symposia, industry keynotes, academic talks and an exhibition.
The theme of MAB18 will be “Media Architecture – Digital Infrastructure at the Scale of the Hybrid City”. Media architecture is involved in placemaking and smart city initiatives through infrastructure large and small. While connected information displays and mobile phones might inform tenants about energy efficiency, coordinated large-scale facades and screens can influence the identities of entire cities. How can the various scales that media architecture operates in be connected to support social structures within the territory of a city? The goal of MAB18 is to bring together top researchers, academics, designers, and city builders to investigate the many connected uses and scales of media architecture in their local and global contexts.
The MAB18 website and call for participation will be launched shortly.
Photo: Water Cube, Olympic Park, Beijing by Flickr user inkelv1122