The name of the installation explains its interactive concept. If a person triggers a camera flash in front of the installation, the LED lights will start to blink across the structure. The blinking starts close to the point where the flash was triggered and wander slowly away. This set-up mimics the natural reflexions of the light, i.e. orchestrates the depth of light.
For the realization of the project the artists used 5500 Pixels that can be individually addressed. The structure is made of 7000 unique polypropylene laser-cut pieces that can be assembled together. As the polypropylene pieces are translucent they diffuse the punctual light created by single pixels, creating in this way a playful light volume in the city.
Orchestrating the depth of light was created as part of the Luminale 2014 festival in collaboration with the Media Architecture Institute, the William Maximilian University’s Städelschule Architecture Class and AHL Media Facade.
Close up of the assemblies between pieces
Close up of the LED used for the installation
Orchestrating the depth of light credits:
LED Design and Project Lead: Media Architecture Institute
Structural Design: Städelschule
Interactive Design and Programming: Ludwig Maximilian Universität
Hardware Sponsoring: AHL
Photos: Ben Stricker
Video: Marius Hoggenmüller
Music: Soukie & Windish – Hero