Federation Square in Melbourne, Australia, which is known globally for its urban screen program, has announced an upgrade of their iconic digital screen. The current digital screen will be replaced with a wall of interactive LED panels that complement the form of Fed Square’ s unique architecture. At the centre is a 5k resolution, high-definition event screen with a 6mm pitch, which ensures high-quality display from a distance.
From the official announcement:
The additional electricity required to power the screens has been factored into Fed Square’s overall environmental sustainability management plan and will not negatively affect the carbon neutrality of the city precinct.
There will also be a number of interactive touchscreens constructed and located throughout Fed Square.They are currently in the design phase.
The Digital Experience Initiative is a $5.4 million investment funded by Fed Square Pty Ltd. It will be driven by a program of user-generated content, commissioned artwork and community engagement, whilst retaining the capacity to broadcast live sport, current affairs and films.
The designer and collaborator is sound and light firm, Ramus (ramus.com.au), whose digital works range from rock concert lighting for U2 and David Bowie to public precinct redevelopment in several Australian capital cities.
The free on-site Wi-Fi will be dramatically improved as part of the initiative, which will help enable real-time, user-generated content and interaction with the screens.
The construction of the new screens will commence in October 2017 and are expected to be finished in late April 2018.