Clubhaus St. Pauli
September 29th, 2015
„This is going to be a great Kiez-show” – with this headline the biggest German tabloid newspaper commented on the installation of the ONLYGLASS Mediafaçade at the Klubhaus St.Pauli. And they are absolutely right. The spectacular installation of eleven panes for the lift was a big show. In mid-July time had come. In the early morning a huge truck crane arrived at the building site of the future entertainment center. Unfortunately the rain interrupted the whole procedure. The glass panes have a weight of around 600 kilograms and were held by ten huge suction cups when being heaved. Therefore the panes needed to be absolutely dry before the suction cups could be put on it. At 10 a.m. the rain finally stopped and preparations for the installation could start. The tension rose, also for the media representatives. The public Northern German Broadcasting (NDR) even sent a video journalist and an outside broadcast van to report from the building site (The reportage you can find here (in German))