
Media Architecture Exhibition Sydney 2015

Media Facade Exhibition invitation

The Media Architecture Institute, together with the University of New South Wales and the University of Sydney present outcomes of research and teaching in the field of media architecture in an exhibition hosted by Art Space on The Concourse, Willoughby City Council, located in Chatswood/Sydney. The exhibition is open 23 May to 6 June, Thursday to Saturday, 6pm to 10pm.

UNSW presents the project Hextic, an interactive media wall designed and developed by a student/tutor team of the Bachelor of Computational Design led by Dr Hank Haeusler, that has been previously exhibited at the Sydney Architecture Festival 2014. The rest of the team were Rebekah Araullo and Eliot Rosenberg, with artists Dominque Heraud, Annisa Rizal, Alexander Lee, Jordon Blanket, Andrew McDonald, Tomislav Livaja, Peter Mitchell and Dara Ten.

The University of Sydney presents Metastasis, an interactive light installation designed and developed by a collaborative team of students and lecturers from the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning, and previously exhibited at Tin Sheds Gallery as well as among historical colonial ruins at The Rocks, Sydney. The artists are Luke Hespanhol, Martin Tomitsch, Eduardo Barata and Philipp Peltz (audio).

In addition to the two interactive projects the exhibition includes a poster showcase of five projects featured in the book publication New Media Facades (av edition).

The Concourse will also be home of the next Media Architecture Biennale, taking place 2-4 June 2016.

IMG_5627 Media Architecture Exhibition 2015 - Chatswood Metastasis Hextic Media Architecture Exhibition 2015 - Chatswood

2015 Beijing International Media Architecture Summit

cafa1 “Media architecture as a key player in Smart and Ubiquitous City concepts”

Media Architecture grow at the intersection of physical and digital space, it is also the combination of art and technology, a fusion of architecture, communication, public art, urban science, sociology, economics, as well as LED technology, internet technology, interactive technology, intelligent control, computer science and other fields and disciplines.

Media Architecture have only emerged to the world less than 20 years, however it is developing very rapidly in recent years, especially in China, where it has become a powerful force, leading to the transformation of urban landscape as well as the changes of people’s mind. The development of Media Architecture is causing the changes in industry chain as well as the changes in the decision making process of building design, thus fosters the birth of new industries. Brings up entirely genuine challenges and opportunities, Media Architecture is an important trend in the 21st century architecture and urban development.


Announcing the Media Facades Summit 2013 Hong Kong

The Media Architecture Institute is hosting a Media Facades Summit in collaboration with the University of Hong Kong this week. The summit will start Friday 25th October evening with a keynote by David Gianotten (OMA) and continue Saturday 26th October morning with a keynote by Andreas Schulz (LichtKunstLicht) as well as a number of talks by experts and professionals working in the field of media architecture in the Asian region.

The event is sponsored by our industry partners AHL, Galaxia and Zumtobel, and supported by Connecting Cities, GDC, and World Architects.

Visit for more information about the program and speakers.

Media Facades Summit 2013

Media Facade Exhibition 2013, Sydney

The Media Architecture Institute will be presenting the six winning projects from the inaugural Media Architecture Awards, as well as a selection of outstanding projects from the book New Media Facades, as part of the Media Facade Exhibition 2013 in Customs House, Sydney. The exhibition launches on Wednesday the 22nd of May in the atrium of Custom House, and will be exhibited until the 1st of July. The exhibition is organised in collaboration with ISEA and Vivid Sydney.

Introducing the Media Architecture Awards

This year, for the first, time the World’s most outstanding media architecture was awarded during the Media Architecture Biennale. A jury of international representatives of the field chose six winning projects from five categories based on their ability to integrate media and architecture – and the profound impact on their urban surroundings.


Innovationsforum Urban Screens, Berlin

Urban Screens, digitale Bildschirme im Stadtraum, werden als Medienträger künftig herkömmliche Poster und Plakate mehr und mehr ablösen. Die neue Technologie bietet vielfältige Nutzungspotenziale sowie wirtschaftliche Wachstumschancen, birgt aber gleichermaßen soziale Herausforderungen und Umweltgefahren. Das Innovationsforum Urban Screens, eine vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) geförderte Initiative von Public Art Lab, nimmt sich dieser Auseinandersetzung an. Seit März 2011 trafen Akteure des Interaktionsfeldes aus den Bereichen Infrastruktur, Technologie, Content, Stadtentwicklung und Cross Media Marketing zusammen, um zentrale Fragestellungen, Potentiale sowie Risiken der Urban Screens zu diskutieren. Diese Auseinandersetzung wird am 25./26. Mai 2011 im Rahmen des Innovationsforum Urban Screens im Collegium Hungaricum Berlin fortgesetzt. Die Panels ‚Urban Screens als urbane Sichtfenster’, ‚Urban Screens als Kommunikationsplattformen’, ‚Urban Screens als multimediale Bühnen’ und ‚Mediale Stadtentwicklung’ sowie das ‚World Cafe’, ein prozessorientiertes Brainstorming, bereiten dafür die Plattform.
